A Short Monologue

Hi! *smiles*

So, I pretty much dropped off the face of the planet.

To you all who still remain subscribed. Many thanks. And many kudos.
It’s been a while, but it’s nice to be back!

A lot has happened.

Including the site.

I do hope you like it. 🙂

Now, to set matters straight. I will be finishing up my Leticia P. serial quite soon, beginning a few blog series(es), and, oh yes. I did nearly forget…

I’m publishing a novelette…

Well, not publishing publishing. Yet. I still have to kinda sorta have to write it. (Putting the cart before the horse a little bit here.) But I do have 7,131 words so far, which means I could technically publish it as a novelette in 360 words if I did my math correctly… *checks work* wait… *pulls out calculator*… 369 words… *checks the water I’ve been drinking*.

That’s embarrassing.

Moving on… *totally doesn’t move on and does the problem again* OHHHHHHH, I see. It wasn’t my addition skills, y’all can rest easy. It was my handwriting. The 1 was – never mind…

Anyway, I wanted to publish this last year but CLEARLY (unless I’ve publishing books secretly, which I don’t think I have, ahem) that didn’t work out quite as well as I thought it would. So I’m going to be trying to focus on that, and see where that goes…

I find writing during the season/event that is taking place both in the book and in real life makes it even that more interesting (and easier to be descriptive), and since I now live in a region that collects this cold white thing called snow *looks pointedly at the 14” we received last year* I thought it fitting to write a story that takes place then.
Well, it’s not really a story about snow, it’s got snow in it, but it’s more of a January/February/WhenWillWinterEverEnd????? type of novel. *pause for effect*

Would you like a sneak peek??


“You’re speaking with yours truly.” 

“No.” I gasped, sitting up and staring at him. “You?” I’d never recognized him. Never even thought him familiar. 

“Yeah, I’ve wanted to apologize about that for a long time. I’m sorry.” 

“It was third grade.” I sat back, my aching limbs protesting the fact that I was still awake. 

“It was wrong was what it was.” 

“Alright.” I wasn’t going to be sleeping any time soon, I knew it. “How about restitution, go buy me an apple, all is forgiven, and we move on.” 

He pushed himself out of the chair. “Alright, deal.” 

We shook hands. 

I rolled my eyes as he walked away. Funny chance, ending up stuck with a kid who’d made me cry one day after school, and not even knowing it was him. 

So yes, tis my latest mission. To finish and publish a novelette, Lord-willing. We’ll see how that goes. 🙂

In other news Sarah Twilight and I have officially begun our separate internet lives (except for tags, if you tag me she will mysteriously appear again, it can’t be helped), and so this blog is all my own (again, except for the tags).

I’ll be posting *hopefully* twice a week. Once on Monday, and once again on Friday, just ’cause.

So, how have all you lovely humans been faring? Did you have a fun Christmas? Or are you a summer kinda person? What’s your most favoritest part of winter?

And with that I wish you all the most wonderful happy day, blessed with many smiles, lots of laughter, and deep abiding joy.
-Louise ;D

  1. Eek! I’m excited about you blog! (Loving the colors!) Hehe, I’ll have to keep the tagging thing in mind *raises eyebrows*
    Your novelette sounds so fun! I can’t wait to read it!!!

    1. Yay! (Thank you!) XD
      Thank you, I think it’s coming along nicely. 🙂

  2. Ooo, I love the new look of your blog, Louise!!! 😀 And I’m SO excited for the novelette! That excerpt is awesome. XD

    1. Thank you! And thanks for stopping by! <333

  3. Hey, Louise 😉 😉
    I love the style and spunk in your “voice”. It’s very entertaining. Much more entertaining than the novel I’m currently sludging thru. I borrowed “Cinder” from a certain person you may be familiar with who lives near you… I took it with me after passing thru your neck of the woods this Christmas. 🎄 I’m almost done reading thru it, tho… Wish me luck🤞
    –A. Nichole

    1. Aw thanks! That means so much to me!!! <33
      Aw, okay! I wish you the best! 😀

  4. You’re baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!! *throws confetti* Ooh, a novelette!! Can’t wait! ^_^

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