Throwback Thursday on a Monday!

We’re going to try something different. Normally I hate catch-phrases, they’re overused, and as a result have lost a lot of their charm. 

But I think Throwback Thursday is sorta cute. Sorta. 😉

And it is really funny to go back and see things that you did, pictures you took, stories you wrote. So I thought I’d share some snippets I wrote ages ago (well maybe not ages), and show y’all just how cringy I can could be. 

We’ll start with a snippet from what I thought was going to be a debut series (let’s face it, I thought a lot of things were going to be a debut series, and here I am writing a novelette. Oh how times have changed. XD) 

“Matthew!” Andrew yelled in his brother’s face. He didn’t know what to do for someone who had become unconscious. Wait for them to wake up he supposed, but they didn’t have that time. He surveyed the forest, looking for someone who might have thrown the rock. He heard a slap and his attention jerked back to Peter, who had, apparently, just slapped Matthew across the face. 

Ah, brothers. Aren’t they so fun? Something about trios though, male trios and duos just make or break a novel. What do y’all think? What are some of your favorites? (Personally I love Jennifer A Neilson’s group of characters from the False Prince, and the MC investigator duo from The Shock Of Night, by Patrick Carr.)

This next piece is from a play I decided I was going to write (and alas, never did finish), and thinking back I might have accidentally taken ideas from two very different motion pictures. 

Ethel: “Now, remember Ricky, if we fail this mission…” 

Ricky: [grimly] no waffles for breakfast.” 

Ethel: “Correct. Do you remember what we have to do?” 

Rickey: [airly] “Steal the declaration of independence.”

Ethel: [smacks Ricky on the shoulder] “Shhhhhh! Do you want to attract attention?! Remember, if anything goes wrong…” 

Ricky: [grimly] “No waffles for breakfast.” 

I don’t know exactly where this play was going, but I have to admit, I would thoroughly enjoy watching that play out on stage. And if you get the TV show reference, let me know which episode was your favorite. 😉 

Next up is a certain gentleman I find can be a little egotistical without knowing it, but he’s what happens when a writer watches too many spy movies. XD

“Mr. Finch!” An older woman exclaimed as Carter stepped off the escalator onto the white marble floor. 

“Hello, Mrs. Doris.” He replied. 

“I’m afraid you’re late.” She whispered. 

Carter looked at his watch. He was running two minutes behind. He nodded confirmation at the old woman. Somehow Mrs. Doris always knew everyone’s schedule and business on the seventh floor of the Pinnacle building in Lansing. She had worked there as long as Carter had been doing business on the seventh floor, which wasn’t long. 

I like Mrs. Doris. I forgot she was there. XD This happens when you leave an idea alone for too long. Who else thinks older women just shine through in a novel??

Now, Leticia isn’t my only snarky female protagonist (shocker, I know), my early beginnings (improper writing technique on display there) can be found in a 14-year-old named Val. And I don’t think I really need to say much more… 

“Well, Mr. Erickson, I do appreciate the warm welcome, but I fear I have some important business that requires the attention of someone who lives here in your humble home.” She surveyed the room, and it looked like she was trying to find whoever she was talking about. Which was him, he realized. She had been looking for him. 

“That’s me.” He said, standing straighter, which was unnecessary because he was already a good few inches taller than her. 

She looked bewildered. “You?” she asked, pointing a finger at him. 

“Yes.” Malachi answered, cringing. 

Okay so maybe Malachi is the star in this snippet. Oh well. I really liked him too. XD Tall and maybe just a little clueless. *nods to self*

Alrighty folks! That just about wraps up my long history as a writer. Let me know if anything intrigued you to the point of desperately wanting to know more. I’d hate to leave you in suspense. ;P

I did say last week that today would be a motivational Monday, and I would write a post on how to get things done. And then I sat down to write it and realized I couldn’t organize my chaotic thoughts. 

BUT FEAR NOT! I shall leave you with two things. 

The first, a little encouragement for your week…

“To pray ‘thy will be done’, 

I must be willing, 

If the answer requires it, 

That my will be undone.” -Elizabeth Elliot. 

If you don’t know who Elizabeth Elliot is, I highly recommend reading her works. She was a fantastic author. 🙂

And secondly… Here’s a sneak peek at the next Leticia serial (which has been like three weeks in the making, guys I’m so sorry for doing this to y’all). 

I don’t like a lot of things, but unfortunately that’s called life and you gotta deal with stuff like that. But this particular day I really didn’t want to deal with anything. It was one of those days where if something goes wrong you can feel the panic attack creeping up into your chest and you expend like 95.7% of your energy on not panicking like a two-year old. 

Suffice to say I was not at my best mentally, or physically, considering I’d fainted twice in three hours. It was not a good day. 

So when the doctor asked me what was wrong, I realized that my mother was not yet in the room, and I therefore couldn’t provide a coherent answer. 

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. My mom probably does though.” I tried smiling. I don’t think it worked. 

The doctor looked at me for a long silent moment.

Alright, thanks for sticking with me if you made it to the end! I hope you could glean something from this chaotic rambling, and put it to good use 😉 Have a fantastic week!

Louise Taylor