Putting perspective in perspective…

Hello! I’m back, it’s Monday (okay, really I’m writing this on Sunday because who has time to draft, edit, and polish a post on a MONDAY, Monday is… Well it’s a Monday) anyway, it’s Monday, a fresh week, a fresh start, and hopefully a thought provoking post!

I’m going to be reblogging one of my old articles (I wrote it one and half years ago… 0_o, I can’t believe it’s been that long!), and it’s something I want to be writing more of because I think it’s VITAL to our art. The art of writing can be taken seriously, lightly, or some inbetween mixture. But it’s art. And somebody is going to stumble across it one day. Art tells a story, and it’s important that we take care to ensure excellence in our work, whether it be the line editing, the fifth draft, or the rough outline.

What we do is important. And we should remember that.

And I’m not talking important in the sense that we are important people, or that we’re going to be remembered by generations to come, or that we’re doing something no one else can.

What I mean is that everything we do we do for a reason. And we write for a reason. Others will perceive that, and take hold of that. So how can we share our worldview, the gospel truth, in the words we write? Just a thought, something to think about… 🙂

You have resources as a writer, as writers who desires to glorify God we can learn to write about the world, about humans, about families, governments, everything… from a biblical perspective; in a way that interprets the world as it is, not as the world sees itself. 

People talk about writing like we talk about any other pastime. We like it, or maybe we love it. We do it, we think about it now and again, we find other people who do it. We research it (if we’re thorough).

But like everything else in life, it’s not just something we do. Our worldview and core beliefs show through in how we think, what we say, and what we do. Writing is no different. 

If you read a book carefully, you’ll be able to observe the author’s worldview. 

So, how do you want others to see your worldview? 

Do you take the time to pray about your writing? Asking that whatever you write, God would use it for His glory? Isn’t that our ultimate goal in life? Our purpose? Our drive? If it drives us so hard, are we staying faithful? Even in the smallest of small? 

But that’s just it, writing isn’t the smallest of small. Unless you burn it, (which I hope you don’t) it’s very likely someone else is going to read it. What will they glean? What will they see? 

Will the way you write help them interpret the world around them? From a biblical standpoint? Will it encourage? Strengthen? Help?

These are all questions to ask yourself. Is what I’m about to say, think, or do, going to glorify my Creator? 

Friend, we all fail. We fail miserably, constantly; unfailingly we fail.

But remember. 

Remember to ask yourself: am I doing all to His glory? Or mine? 

If we are saved, we are God’s. No two ways about it. We are slaves to righteousness. 

There is a terrible connotation with the word: “slave”. 

But we often forget that God is our Master. 

There would be no terrible connotation if we remembered He is our creator. Caretaker. Friend. Strong tower. Deliverer. That He loves us. 

Jesus was obedient to the cross. He washed us of our sin. Why would we insult Him by selfishly reserving glory for ourselves? If it weren’t for Him, we would be in eternal damnation. If it weren’t for Him, we would be dead

But with Him we are raised to life; that life flows through us, through our veins, our hearts. 

We are made new. 

So, with the light of a new day, show others there is hope. There is something greater than you and me. That we have purpose.

Infuse that into your writing. Pray everyday that what you write will be taken out of your finite hands and lifted beyond what you could hope for. 

Put it in God’s hands. 

Everyday before you write, stop and think. Remember where you were, what Christ has done for you, how He has helped you, guided you, forgiven you, loved you. 

Think of God’s grace, his power, might, and compassion. His mercy and justice. 

Then write. 

Write about Him. Not in the sense that we think of day to day; but in the sense that everything is about Him. The way you describe the trees, birds, and clouds; the way you describe a person, created in His own image; the way you describe emotion, a higher desire. It is all about Him. 

Now, just for a little fun, I created a one-question, three possible answer form for you all to enjoy. Thank you for reading! See you Friday. 😀

Louise Taylor

  1. Oh wow, that was so good, Louise!!! Amen to all of it!!

    1. Aw! I’m so glad it resonated!

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