HELLO, HELLO, AND WELCOME! Hopefully you can take some of that overbubbling energy and use it to get you through these LOOOONNNNG and very brown and gray winter months. (Unless you live in Florida, known as the Sunshine State… Man I miss the sunshine.) 

Anyway, on to the real subject of this blog post (completely ignoring the fact I don’t know how to write a spotlight)… There’s this little community out there on the internet called Writers’ Vision, started by a lovely gal by the name of Kaytlin Phillips. 

Now before I info dump all the wonderful links and bios (I think that’s what you do in a spotlight), let me share about ye-old-writing-days of yesteryear when I was… *thinks* goodness-knows-how-old…But a new writer all the same. I started writing a book… It was okay, it did alright, BUT whenever I got together with my good friend Sarah Twilight we would WRITE. AND WE WOULD WRITE HUNDREDS OF BRILLIANT WORDS! Point is… if it weren’t for my one writing friend I wouldn’t have gotten halfway though my book, and if it weren’t for my writer’s group chat I wouldn’t have made it to the end, and if it weren’t for all the encouragement I’ve received WE ALL KNOW I WOULDN’T BE HERE TODAY. Because humans are very fickle and easily distracted creatures. 

WHICH IS WHY… (feeling a lot of sunshiny energy this evening) I am so excited about Writers’ Vision. 

This is a community, we NEED community. We need it very badly. Without someone (even if it’s just one person who clicks with you) to help you, encourage you, and critique you… Chances are you won’t get very far. Self-motivation and ambition can only take you so far. And chances are you won’t see the flaws in your work… It won’t be the best it can be without a friend to take you aside and tell you about the ways you can improve. 

We were made to communicate, we were made to fellowship, and we were made to have friends and people who we can invest time into. 

And Writers’ Vision is a Christian community dedicated to this, and a bunch of other awesome and amazing things. But enough of my rambling, you’ve gotta hear it for yourself. So without further ado, please thoroughly enjoy this info dump! 

Writers’ Vision is…

Writers’ Vision is a community where Christian creatives can connect and receive feedback, advice, encouragement, and even form friendships. Originally started in 2021 as a writers’ critique site, Writers’ Vision has expanded to include creatives of all levels! From authors to bloggers and even editors! Whether it is a community you are looking for or simply encouragement and advice, Writers’ Vision is here to help!

Our Community space where we share bits of our stories is open to a wide variety of genres and is for making your manuscript what you envisioned it could be.

The Community is a place where authors and bloggers can receive Beta reading services from readers and fellow authors. But it’s not just another critique group, it is a friendship, a coming together for the benefit of all involved.

Writing to Awaken Hope

The Official Blog of Writer’s Vision

Writing to Awaken Hope is the official blog of Writers’ Vision and is full of encouraging posts, interviews, stories, and even useful skills and resources for authors and bloggers alike.

Our Writing Challenges

Writers’ Vision host a writing challenge/competition every three months! The prompts range from sentences, word count restrictions, picture prompts, and even collages!

The challenge winner has their story posted on the Writers’ Vision blog and, of course, given bragging rights.

You don’t have to be a member of the Community to enter or even be subscribed to the blog.

The Founder: Kaytlin Phillips

Hello, I’m Kaytlin!

A homeschool grad, blogger, influencer, and the author of the MG fantasy World of Silence, Co-Author with my sisters, Marisa and Jaiden, of the YA Fantasy series The Dragon Prince Chronicles, and have been featured in the Seize the Night Anthology.

I first discovered a love for writing at the age of seven when I plagiarized a Roy Roger’s film into my own book. Since then I’ve become more creative and write books of my own invention, which are usually stories of hope, purpose, and redemption.  More often than not you can find me with my nose in a book, whisked away to some fictional setting.

Through my stories I long to present the Savior and His overwhelming love for us, I want everyone to know they are never too far gone for God to save them and that everyone has a purpose!

Writers’ Vision: Home | Writers’ Vision (

Kaytlin Phillips: Kaytlin Phillips | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Well, now that you know all about Writers’ Vision, and the resources it provides, give it a look-see, and consider joining! After all, we (and by we I mean everybody, writers, creatives, published authors, editors, everyone) need community, and Writers’ Vision is the perfect place to start! Whether you need some beta readers for that novel you’re working on, or a piece of advice from a published author! Maybe you’d like to dip your toes into the competition and enter the writing contest, or just browse the articles, spotlights, and interviews on the blog, go check it out! You don’t have to become a member to surf the blog (still wishing I was in the SunShine State), enter the contest, or subscribe to the surf-worthy blog. 

Give it some prayerful consideration, and we look forward to seeing you there!

And with that, folks, I bid you adieu, farewell, and au revoir, and auf wiedersehen.

Louise Taylor

  1. Thank you so much for the lovely spotlight, Louise! WV wouldn’t be half of what it is without you!!!

    1. Of course, Kayti! It’s a wonderful place to hang out (internet wise, lol)!

  2. Wonderful spotlight, girl!!! You’re so right, us writers need community…I wouldn’t be half as far along in my writing journey without all the writers who have encouraged and pushed me along! (Btw I love the sunshiny energy, lol…right now it’s actually rainy and gray so it was very welcome!!! XD)

    1. Yes! *highfives you* Thank you! (Oh good, lol, just imagine the sunshine pouring in through the window ;D )

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