Writing Update :D

Hello! Welcome back, it’s almost February, which means I should probably give a writing update. Now, I haven’t exactly written anything in regards to the project I brought up in a post a while back, but I have written snippets here and there… and while writing has been slow, it’s not non-existent (regardless of the email preview line, you can ignore that).

And that’s what’s important.

Even if it’s just a little bit, you can still write. Even if it isn’t part of your WIP, you can still write. Sometimes life gets busy, the unexpected happens, and some things don’t make the cut. (although it is very important to have your priority’s straight,) And that’s okay. Write something funny, serious, or reminiscent. Don’t worry about sharing it with anyone or writing the correct way. Enjoy your craft, do your best, and move on.

Cause life’s short guys, smile while you still got the chance, laugh while you’re young, and enjoy the sunshine. (Or take vitamin D, cause the weather EVERYWHERE has been crazy, y’all.)

Before we get to the second motivational speech though, (because really I wrote two…) enjoy these brief snippets, use them as inspiration if you’d like, completely steal my ideas (if you can find one), they’re all yours. Have some fun.

Snippet #1: “A Scene Inspired By Little House On The Prairie…”

I burst into the room, nearly toppling the nurse who reached for the door handle.

Now, I can’t remember where I was going with that one, AT ALL. I don’t even know how Little House on the Prairie plays into that… XD

Snippet #2: “No Title”

She yanked the chair out from under the table, spinning the it backwards and dropping onto it. She threw her arms around the back and grinned at her father.

He eyed her over the rim of his coffee cup.

“Your side.” Mom tossed an extra pencil away from her stack of papers, pushing herself out of her chair and sauntering out of the room.

Dad rolled his eyes.

Snippet #3 “Height Related”

“The short girl?” he hissed.

She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

Might have been brought on by the relentless insistence of a friend’s brother saying that I was in fact, very short. (I’m not short, but he might qualify as tall, so therein lies our problem..)

Snippet #4


Yeah, no, you read that right.

There you have it folks. Four writing-prompts, if you will. I wrote a couple of other snippets, part of several different WIP’s, but they were short, and in shady spots on the timeline.

But what I would like to leave you with is the advice not to give up, even when it seems slow, even when you end every day thinking: “I didn’t get anywhere with that!” When someone asks how writing’s going and you pause to try to remember the last time you wrote.

It’s not the end of the world.

You’ll make it if you don’t give up.

Cliche, I know, but it’s true.

Don’t give up. Keep writing, and praying that Lord will use it for His glory. You can do this, I know you can. You have it in you. Or rather, the Lord will give you His strength, and with His strength, you can do the impossible.

Life comes in seasons, you can have weeks of slow sluggish progression, and weeks that speed by. It’s not weird, or abnormal, it’s just life.

So, keep writing, and look forward to a post next Monday on getting in gear and getting things done. XD

Thank God for today, for His grace, and face tomorrow with a smile.

(Oh! And I added a couple questions to the form, if you’d like to fill it out.)

See y’all on Friday! (Hopefully *sheepish smile*)

Louise Taylor

  1. *raises pen* CHAAARGE!!!!!

    1. YES! CHAARRGE! Lol, thanks for dropping by, Joelle!

  2. Thanks so much for the pep talk (actually both pep talks lol). It’s just what I needed. Now, to second Joelle….*raises pen and dashes after her* ONWARD FELLOW WRITERS!!!

    1. YOU’RE WELCOME, GIRL! Haha, yes! ONWARD, WRITERS! Thanks for the comment, Lillian!!

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